One Putt Ventures is a family Office focused on an eclectic mix of venture capital investing, C-level advisory services, and social entrepreneurship.

Founder, Mike Gausling

Mike Gausling is a serial entrepreneur with a strong financial, deal making, and operational background.

He has a bias to investing his time and energies with early stage technology entrepreneurs and to help them navigate the path from start-up to substantial exits. Everything is about funding and managing rapid growth and finding creative ways to maximize shareholder value.

Mike has sat on both sides of the table as an entrepreneur and as an investor. He also has extensive experience as a board member for numerous public and non-profit entities.

What We Do


One Putt Ventures will invest in a limited number of entrepreneurial adventures in a range of $1-5 million. Start-ups, restarts, recaps, buy-outs all considered.

Possibility for a 10x return on high risk start-up capital or a 25% cash on cash return for a turnkey venture a prerequisite.

C-Level Services

One Putt Ventures will provide C-level services as a board member, mentor, advisor, or executive in residence for a limited number of entrepreneurial growth oriented public or private enterprises. Fundraising, capital structure management, and value maximization are key drivers. Controlled chaos and crisis management expected.


One Putt Ventures will be focused on game changing projects that will drive job creation, economic well being, sheltering, and food access in the local community.